How I Passed the AWS SysOps – Associate (SOA-C02) Exam

Here are the things I did to succeed in the AWS SysOps – Associate (SOA-C02) exam: Familiarized myself with exam guide and ensured I have covered all the exam topics before taking the exam ( Completed this Udemy course Completed the practice questions which came with the above Udemy course. Took the exam and … [Read more…]

How I Passed the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Exam

Here are the things I did to succeed in the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam: Familiarized myself with exam guide and ensured I have covered all the exam topics before taking the exam ( Completed this Udemy course ( The above Udemy course gives access to KubeKloud labs. The labs are similar to the exam, … [Read more…]

How I Passed the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam

Here are the things I did to succeed in the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam: Familiarized myself with exam objectives (link below) and ensured I have covered all the exam topics before taking the exam ( Completed this Udemy course ( The above Udemy course gives access to KubeKloud labs. The labs are similar to … [Read more…]

How I passed the AWS Solutions Architect (Associate) Exam

Watched this video course, did the labs and went through the practice questions: you can get this either from udemy (if it is on sale) or from acloudguru site, whichever is cheaper. Read this book: AWS Certified Solutions Architect Study Guide: Associate SAA-C01 Exam Read the following FAQs:- AWS FAQ — VPC AWS FAQ — RDS AWS FAQ — EC2 … [Read more…]


VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) [VPC FAQ ] A VPC is like a logical data center. It lets you provision a logically isolated section of the AWS cloud where you can launch AWS resources in a virtual network that you define. You have complete control over your networking environment, including selection of your own IP address … [Read more…]

Route 53

Route 53 FAQ Route 53 is named after the fact that DNS is on port 53 There is a limit of 50 domain names on Route 53 – this can be extended by contacting AWS support Terms CNAME (Canonical Name) can be used to map aliases to true (canonical) domain name A Record (Address Record) … [Read more…]

AWS Databases

AWS RDS (Relational Data Storage) RDS runs on virtual machines You can’t log into RDS operating systems  Patching of the RDS OS and DB is Amazon’s responsibility RDS is NOT serverless but Aurora severless is serverless.  Used for relational OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) Types of DBs on AWS: SQL Server. Oracle, MySQL Server, PostgreSQL, Aurora, … [Read more…]

IAM (Identity and Access Management)

  FAQ Gives you centralized control of an AWS account Is global – there is no concept of regional IAM at this time; all users, groups, policies, etc are available in all regions. Supports Identity Federation which can be used for Single Sign-on i.e. via SAML Can be used to give temporary access IAM consists … [Read more…]


S3 (Simple Storage Service) [S3 FAQ — read this before going to the exam] S3 is safe place to store files. S3 is object based Files can be 0 to 5TB There is unlimited storage Files are stored in Buckets S3 buckets are stored in specific regions, however bucket names must be globally unique (universal … [Read more…]

AWS Solutions Architect Associate aCloudGuru Notes

Original content was copied from [] . The following were added to the original content: Additional notes Images and references to resources Q & A Typing errors corrected Links to notes: 10,000 Foot Overview (coming soon) IAM (Identity and Access Management) S3 (Simple Storage Service), CloudFront and Storage Gateway Databases Route 53 VPC (Virtual Private … [Read more…]